Children's Ministry
We invite children and their families to participate in the many exciting ministries that we offer here at First Congregational UCC. At First Congregational UCC we believe in creating safe space for children to grow together in a community of faith. Because of this, all of our staff members, both paid and volunteer, go through an application process that includes a Criminal Background Check. Staff members are also trained in First Aid and CPR. You can rest easy knowing that your children are in a safe space while at First Congregational UCC. For information about any of the opportunities please contact our Director of Children's Ministries.
Worshiping with Children
Each Sunday we offer a variety of worship experiences for children. Children are always welcome in our main worship space and we are pleased to offer The Pray Ground for children and their caregivers. This developmentally-appropriate space at the back of our Sanctuary makes it just a little easier for young children and those with special needs to worship with us. We offer soft and quiet toys, books to read, comfy pillows for laying back to stare at the stained glass and pray. We ask that caregivers help their children learn and observe the posted guidelines for using the space. You can learn more about The Pray Ground here. Following the Word for Children during the 10:45 Worship Service, children who don't wish to remain with their caregivers can take part in Kids Worship or Sacred Space. Kids worship is for children ages 3 through 1st grade and is designed to mirror our worship experience in the sanctuary in an age appropriate way. Children grades 2-5 are invited to gather in Sacred Space which takes part in our balcony and is a space set up for these kids to be a part of our worship service in a space designed for their developmental stage. Children of any age are invited to serve and lead on Sunday mornings by greeting, serving communion, reading scripture, offering special music, acolyting, sharing prayers aloud, and more. The goal of all of these opportunities is to help the kids of our church learn about being in worship. We hope that through both of these opportunities the kids will develop a love for the worship experience. These are both optional experiences and children are always welcome to sit with their families during worship. Parents or guardians of children who are new to our church are asked, before leaving their child(ren) in Kids Worship or the Nursery, to fill out the registration form. Children's Sunday School When public schools are in session we offer Sunday School for children of all ages at 9:30 a.m.. Children aged 3 through 5th grade are divided into age-appropriate groups and taught by our team of dedicated Sunday School teachers.This is a time for children to experience the Bible through music, art, and more as they gather with other children their own age to grow in Christ. Currently our children's Sunday School follows this rotation of activities each month: 1st-3rd Sundays: Bible learning 4th and 5th Sundays: Service Activities During the Sunday School hour our Nursery is open on the second floor for children ages 3 and under. And there are options for youth and adult learning, as well. If your family is not comfortable attending in-person events, please reach out to Brandy so we can be sure and meet your family's needs. |
The Nursery is designed to provide a safe and nurturing environment for young children ages 3 and under. In this way, we hope that you can participate in learning and worship with the assurance that your child will receive loving care. Our paid nursery attendants are trained in first aid procedures and have completed a criminal background check. The nursery is staffed from 9:30am until all children have been picked up after worship and fellowship hour. When church school classes are not in session, the nursery is not staffed until 10:30 AM. Parents or guardians of nursery children who are new to our church are asked, before leaving their child(ren) in the nursery, to complete an annual registration form (see link above). Getting Involved
Want to get involved with the exciting Children's Ministries at First Congregational? We are always looking for adults with a passion for working with young people. Interested individuals can download our Application.. For more information please contact our Director of Children's Ministries. |