The Member Engagement Committee or Nominating Committee is responsible for filling the positions on Committees and Boards that serve the church and work to fulfill our mission.
It is that time of year when we work to fill openings on these Committees and Boards to serve next year, 2025. Members of the Nominating Committee will be contacting all who attend First Congregational Church to ask if you will serve. We know that many of you are already committed to serving on a Committee and Board and will continue in that role next year. Thank you! However, there are several openings that we will work to fill before the entire slate is approved and installed by the Congregation. It is our hope that we can complete this task by the end of September. Please consider taking on a role of service on a Board or Committee if asked. The church cannot continue to flourish and grow unless all who are able and willing will take on a role of service in this way. First Congregational Church does so much for so many in our congregation, community, and beyond our area. That can only continue if we all do our part. Serving on a Board or Committee can be such an effective way to support the church. Boards and Committees are the foundation upon which all the good that is done flourishes. In most cases, board membership does not require a great deal of time…one meeting each month (usually through Zoom), and one or two activities to aid or support their work. The Board of Mission works to coordinate the programs we support that serve all the people. Their focus is Second Helping, which requires a number of volunteers beyond those on the board. The Board of Christian Education strives to assist our staff and volunteers who provide the many educational opportunities for all who attend First Congregational. Sunday School, Youth Group, Adult Education, and other educational outreach programs are the focus. The Board of Deacons serves the spiritual life of the church, coordinating with the pastor on matters relating to worship and the care of members. They also coordinate volunteers to help with worship activities. The Board of Facilities is charged with taking care of the building and grounds. They collaborate with the custodial staff and outside contractors as well as take on projects that can be completed internally with the help of volunteers. The Board of Justice and Witness facilitates a strong faith-based movement of peace, justice, equality, and inclusivity. That board has joined with other churches to form an alliance to better meet this important mission. Other committees that serve the church include Member Engagement; Gifts, Endowments and Investments; Pastoral Relations; Stewardship; and Ecumenical Campus Ministry. In addition, there are those who serve in capacities within the church who are indispensable to helping the church meet all its missions. The Archivist, Budget officer, Financial Secretary, Head Usher, Membership Clerk, Recording Clerk, Treasurer, Moderators, and Cabinet Members at Large fill these roles. It takes many volunteers and helping hands to fulfill our promise to “Love Every, Single, Other.” We know that there are many ways you can do this. The Stewardship Committee is specifically tasked to secure your financial support. Those who have served for many years and now enjoy the support of the community as they retire to emeritus status are examples of how we must continue to support our church, those who pray for others, those who quietly do the little things that are rarely noticed, and many others. Nothing we do is accomplished without the help of everyone in whatever capacity they can serve. Agreeing to give your time, energy, and talent to a committee or Board is one way we are all called to support our church, our mission, and our community. When we ask, please prayerfully consider saying yes to this service. Nominating Committee: Jeff W., Craig W., Di H-T. Comments are closed.