Tuesday, September 17: 7:00 pm KIFA Faith and Public Policy Forum at the UUFM building on Zeandale Road (click for more info)
We've invited experts and passionate advocates from across the state. Panelists include Jayme Morris-Hardeman, an elected member of the USD 383 School Board, who will discuss the state of public education in Kansas; Emily Wagner of Kansas Housing Advocacy Network, who will discuss homelessness and housing policy; Micah Kubic of the ACLU of KS, who will discuss civil rights; and Heather Braum of Kansas Action for Children, who will discuss work and family supports. Saturday, September 28: 10 am to 2 pm Climate Justice Revival Event at the UUFM building on Zeandale Road As many of you know, our Justice and Witness committee at First Congregational UCC has joined with our Unitarian and Mennonite sister congregations to create a combined team, called the Manhattan Interfaith Justice Team. Since January, we have been meeting together to discuss how we can combine our witness for local justice issues. Support of KIFA is part of this, but we are discussing other activities to bear witness to our faith that God calls us to work for justice in our world. The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Manhattan is hosting a Climate Justice Revival on September 28. The September event is part of a national Unitarian Universalist effort to address the specific topic of climate justice, an issue literally heating up in many parts of Kansas and our local community. There will be classes/activities for children, youth and adults, and we will all be invited to participate. Tentative agenda Collective Visioning Making Connections Building Capacity Nourishing Relationships Charting a Course Snacks, drinks, and regular breaks will be provided during the event, and we'll have a potluck lunch to facilitate the fellowship aspects of the occasion. You can sign up for the Climate Justice Revival here. Comments are closed.
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