Living our Open and Affirming Covenant: Anti-Racism
Since the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson in August 2014, we have been a part of the #blacklivesmatter movement, placing signs on our property in solidarity, hosting prayer vigils, developing a relationship with the Riley County Police Department, participating in actions with the K-State Black Student Union, and bringing educational events to the community. In January 2016, we hosted a community-wide anti-racism training. Over the course of three days, 45 members of our community participated in 20 hours of anti-racism training provided by Roots of Justice.
We have used the White Privilege curriculum from the UCC to host two anti-racism classes for our members and the wider community. The first was taught as an adult Sunday School class in early 2017. The second was a daylong retreat in partnership with Bethel AME. Our partnership with Bethel AME has also resulted in several other community-wide initiatives, such as the Conversations on Race Reconciliation and the Flint Hills Community Gospel Sing. Additionally, our two choirs have joined together on multiple ocassions to provide free concerts for the Manhattan community.
Read: "White Privilege curriculum fueling justice initiative in Kansas Oklahoma Conference" from the UCC News
Our congregation has been a key supporter of the Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival here in Kansas. Many members of our congregation attended and volunteered at the Mass Meeting held in Topeka in August 2017. In the spring and summer of 2018, many people from our congregation helped organize and attended the 40 Days of Action. Four people from our congregation, including Pastor Caela, were arrested for moral obedience, as a part of the 108 arrests that took place in Topeka during the campaign. Our congregation provided lunches for one of the six weeks and provided some financial support for one of our members to travel to D.C. as a part of the Kansas Delegation to the national gathering on the Mall. Over 25,000 gathered at the nation’s capitol on June 23 for a march.
Read: "UCC Pastor: I pray with my body as a part of the Poor People's Campaign" from the UCC News
View: Photos from the Poor People's Campaign
Selected sermons:
"Casting Out Demons"
"Star Wars: The Turn Towards Hope"
"Interactive Sermon in City Park"
"A Voice Cries Out"
"Listen and Learn"
Read: "White Privilege curriculum fueling justice initiative in Kansas Oklahoma Conference" from the UCC News
Our congregation has been a key supporter of the Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival here in Kansas. Many members of our congregation attended and volunteered at the Mass Meeting held in Topeka in August 2017. In the spring and summer of 2018, many people from our congregation helped organize and attended the 40 Days of Action. Four people from our congregation, including Pastor Caela, were arrested for moral obedience, as a part of the 108 arrests that took place in Topeka during the campaign. Our congregation provided lunches for one of the six weeks and provided some financial support for one of our members to travel to D.C. as a part of the Kansas Delegation to the national gathering on the Mall. Over 25,000 gathered at the nation’s capitol on June 23 for a march.
Read: "UCC Pastor: I pray with my body as a part of the Poor People's Campaign" from the UCC News
View: Photos from the Poor People's Campaign
Selected sermons:
"Casting Out Demons"
"Star Wars: The Turn Towards Hope"
"Interactive Sermon in City Park"
"A Voice Cries Out"
"Listen and Learn"
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