Our Global Connections

Our Church’s Wider Mission (shorthand: OCWM)
provides basic support of the ministries of the United Church of Christ in our Kansas-Oklahoma Conference, on the national level, and throughout the world. OCWM support is built into our operating budget each year. We do our best to tithe to OCWM, giving at least 10% of our local operating budget.
For more information on OCWM, click here.
In addition to our OCWM support, we also engage in four special appeals each year. Each is promoted for a few weeks, and contributions are received above and beyond the church’s operating budget. 100% of what is given is passed on to the wider United Church of Christ.
These special appeals are sometimes supplemented with other appeals which respond to specific crises and natural disasters. The four regular appeals include:
One Great Hour of Sharing, usually received on the fourth Sunday of Lent. Through our gifts we reach out in the name of Jesus to build sustainable communities, respond to disasters, and minister to refugees. On average, OGHS responds to a disaster once every 2.5 days! The United Church of Christ unites with Christians in eight other Protestant denominations and Church World Service in One Great Hour of Sharing, thus multiplying the effectiveness and extent of our witness many times over. The UCC annually channels more than three million dollars through One Great Hour of Sharing to humanitarian needs in the world.
For more information on OGHS, click here.
Strengthen the Church, usually received on Pentecost. Strengthen the Church is the special mission offering that engages us in breathing vitality into the United Church of Christ, equipping new congregations and new generations to participate in God's mission.
Through our gifts to Strengthen the Church, we further our commitment to be a multiracial, multicultural church, open and affirming and accessible to all. We strengthen and renew existing congregations. We fund leadership for new congregations and provide exciting new programs for youth and young adults.
For more information on Strengthen the Church, click here.
Neighbors in Need, usually received on the first Sunday in October. Neighbors In Need gifts support efforts to speak on behalf of our nation’s public schools and the need of universal health care. NIN funds develop programs for youth and young adults to become social justice advocates, and they support organizations working for justice and peace. A portion of NIN gifts supports the work of the UCC Council for American Indian Ministries.
For more information on Neighbors in Need, click here.
The Christmas Fund, received during Advent and at the Christmas Eve Service. The Christmas Fund (formerly known as Veterans of the
Cross) provides support to those who have served the church—retired pastors, missionaries, and other church workers. Many of these people have served small congregations for small salaries, and the result is a small pension. The Christmas Fund provides pension and health premium supplementation to low-income retirees, emergency assistance to the families of clergy and lay employees, and Christmas gift checks to hundreds of annuitants.
For more information on the Christmas Fund, click here.
provides basic support of the ministries of the United Church of Christ in our Kansas-Oklahoma Conference, on the national level, and throughout the world. OCWM support is built into our operating budget each year. We do our best to tithe to OCWM, giving at least 10% of our local operating budget.
For more information on OCWM, click here.
In addition to our OCWM support, we also engage in four special appeals each year. Each is promoted for a few weeks, and contributions are received above and beyond the church’s operating budget. 100% of what is given is passed on to the wider United Church of Christ.
These special appeals are sometimes supplemented with other appeals which respond to specific crises and natural disasters. The four regular appeals include:
One Great Hour of Sharing, usually received on the fourth Sunday of Lent. Through our gifts we reach out in the name of Jesus to build sustainable communities, respond to disasters, and minister to refugees. On average, OGHS responds to a disaster once every 2.5 days! The United Church of Christ unites with Christians in eight other Protestant denominations and Church World Service in One Great Hour of Sharing, thus multiplying the effectiveness and extent of our witness many times over. The UCC annually channels more than three million dollars through One Great Hour of Sharing to humanitarian needs in the world.
For more information on OGHS, click here.
Strengthen the Church, usually received on Pentecost. Strengthen the Church is the special mission offering that engages us in breathing vitality into the United Church of Christ, equipping new congregations and new generations to participate in God's mission.
Through our gifts to Strengthen the Church, we further our commitment to be a multiracial, multicultural church, open and affirming and accessible to all. We strengthen and renew existing congregations. We fund leadership for new congregations and provide exciting new programs for youth and young adults.
For more information on Strengthen the Church, click here.
Neighbors in Need, usually received on the first Sunday in October. Neighbors In Need gifts support efforts to speak on behalf of our nation’s public schools and the need of universal health care. NIN funds develop programs for youth and young adults to become social justice advocates, and they support organizations working for justice and peace. A portion of NIN gifts supports the work of the UCC Council for American Indian Ministries.
For more information on Neighbors in Need, click here.
The Christmas Fund, received during Advent and at the Christmas Eve Service. The Christmas Fund (formerly known as Veterans of the
Cross) provides support to those who have served the church—retired pastors, missionaries, and other church workers. Many of these people have served small congregations for small salaries, and the result is a small pension. The Christmas Fund provides pension and health premium supplementation to low-income retirees, emergency assistance to the families of clergy and lay employees, and Christmas gift checks to hundreds of annuitants.
For more information on the Christmas Fund, click here.

Each October, a strong contingent from our church joins in the local CROP Walk to help feed hungry people in our community and throughout the world. Folks of all ages can walk and recruit sponsors for their walk.
CUE Seminaries
CUE supports our three seminaries in the Midwest: Chicago Theological Seminary, United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities, and Eden Theological Seminary in St. Louis.
Our gifts to CUE support these schools in their work to train and equip new generations of leaders for service to the church.
Each October, a strong contingent from our church joins in the local CROP Walk to help feed hungry people in our community and throughout the world. Folks of all ages can walk and recruit sponsors for their walk.
CUE Seminaries
CUE supports our three seminaries in the Midwest: Chicago Theological Seminary, United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities, and Eden Theological Seminary in St. Louis.
Our gifts to CUE support these schools in their work to train and equip new generations of leaders for service to the church.
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