"Stewardship? Pledging? What's that?"Churches and public radio are some of the only places you heard the word "pledge" these days. And "stewardship"? What's that?
As followers of Jesus, we've noticed that there is whole lotta talk about money in the Bible. We feel compelled to take seriously God's call to act as stewards of the resources we have. Stewardship is all about the ways we - as individuals, and as a faith community - use our money, our skills, and our time to be the hands and feet of Christ in our community and our world. Members of First Congregational are expected to support our shared work together with their prayers, presence, gifts, and service. Part of this support is financial and most of our members make a commitment each year to pledge a certain amount. That pledge helps our church leaders create an annual budget. This process of pondering our pledges and being encouraged to pray and carefully consider what we can each contribute typically happens in the fall each year and we call it the Stewardship Campaign. We've compiled a set of Giving FAQs to help you understand more about this process. |
Testimonies about GivingTestimonies from 2023
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Have you considered a legacy gift to our congregation? Contact a member of our Gifts, Investments, & Endowments Committee to learn more about how your gift might help ensure a vibrant ministry through First Congregational for many generations to come. E-mail the church office to connect with us.