First of all, thank you to the over 20 volunteers who have already joined our new Sunday Helper Teams! With your generosity, we have covered Sunday morning volunteer needs for most of 2023!
But wait, are you someone who would also like to be involved? Wonderful! Help us "bear each other burdens and share each other's joy" by joining a Sunday Helper team. Choose your preferred Sunday and duties - serving as greeter, hosting fellowship and/or reading scripture. Then you will be assigned a monthly Sunday (e.g. first Sunday of month) and your preferred duty. You and other volunteers on your team will cover duties for that Sunday each month. You can switch out dates with your team when you are traveling, ill, etc. We also have a floater team to help cover last minute openings. Get involved by completing this brief Sunday Helpers form. Support and training is provided as needed. If you have children or youth in your family, they are especially welcome to be involved! The Deacons: Julie, Kerri, Mechelle and Dona |
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