Worship with us.Join us as we worship together in real time on Facebook Live at 10:45 a.m. Central on Sunday (no login required). The service will also be posted to our YouTube channel before 10:45 a.m. each Sunday.
If you are having difficulty accessing the online services, please don't be shy. Reach out to our church office so we can assist. We are also happy to send you a copy of the sermon via U.S. mail or e-mail. The worship video will also be posted here by 8:00 a.m. on Sunday morning. If the video below gives you an error, check back after that time and it should be ready to go. Our planning team reports that numbers of meals being served throughout MHK have gone up considerable with some Common Table venues regularly providing over 100 hot meals in the evenings. In September we served 235 hot meals to go; 244 lunches; 48 meals for the Pawnee Crisis Stabilization Center, for a total of 527 meals provided. We are now preparing 75 hot meals and 60 lunch sacks. That is counting on 60+ first servings and 11 meals to Pawnee. Cooks give out seconds when food is available. We continue to receive donations from local partners and members of our congregation and are so thankful for your support.
A special shoutout this month to Reggie Moore who serves as our staff host. Reggie is present each Sunday evening to greet our guests and hand out meals. Because Reggie serves in this role at several other Common Table sites he provides a friendly and known face for our guests and consistency from site to site. We are so grateful for Reggie's service and we rely on your financial donations to fund this staff position. Second Helping takes many, many people working behind the scenes to plan the menus, procure the groceries, prepare the lunches, bake homemade desserts, cook the food, and serve it. There are many ways to be involved with Second Helping - from coming in to cook to cooking at home, buying supplies or making a cash donation. Want to help? Here’s how: • Sign up to make desserts for 60 with the UCC Sign-Up Genius (you could do 30 and have a friend do 30) • Help cook and prep on Sunday – contact Di • Fix sack lunches during the week – contact Linda • Porch drop fresh fruit (lunches), cookies, instant oatmeal, breakfast bars – contact Linda • Bake dinner rolls, muffins or other goodies to include with our suppers – contact Linda • To make a cash donation to the Second Helping, please donate via PayPal and indicate "Second Helping" in the memo OR mail your check to 700 Poyntz, Manhattan, KS 66502 with "Second Helping" in the memo. ![]() Justice and Witness Board has some Black Lives Movement signs. Please sign up online or contact the church office if you'd like a sign. BLM MHK mission: Building connections between People of Color and their Allies in the fight against racism. We seek and encourage social action and engagement to channel change. We are the driving force behind social justice and equality for all in MHK. Voicing our rights and moving towards change is our priority. We will never be silenced. Learn more about our local black lives movement from these conversations with Jennifer Edwards and BLM MHK founders Jaynae Cole and Teresa Parks. ![]() If you are reading this before Oct 13, it's not too late to register to vote! Make sure your vote counts by planning your voting experience. Share your plan and these resources with family, friends, and neighbors. Please let Carol Sevin ([email protected]) know if you would like to meet with a member of the Justice and Witness Board to go through these steps, we’re here to help! Justice and Witness Board election guide: 1. Register and check your voter registration at by Oct 13.
2. Learn about the candidates and issues that will be on your ballot
3. Vote
Contact Carol Sevin or 336-575-4804 if you'd like this message as an email or to volunteer to deliver ballots or drive voters.
Worship with us.Join us as we worship together in real time on Facebook Live at 10:45 a.m. Central on Sunday (no login required). The service will also be posted to our YouTube channel before 10:45 a.m. each Sunday.
If you are having difficulty accessing the online services, please don't be shy. Reach out to our church office so we can assist. We are also happy to send you a copy of the sermon via U.S. mail or e-mail.
Schedule for Communion on Oct. 4th
Communion at Home: 10:45 a.m. during our regular online worship service (bring your own elements)
Drive Through Communion: 12:15-12:30 p.m. OR 1:00-1:15 p.m.
Communion on the Lawn: ***advance sign up required*** Group A
Group B
In case of inclement weather, an announcement will be made on our website, e-mail list, and social media on Sunday morning.
Important Information for Communion on the Lawn
For Communion on the Lawn: please bring a face mask and lawn chairs/blanket for your family. When you arrive, please stay in or right next to your car until the parking lot greeter invites you to proceed to the sign in table. At the sign in table you will sanitize your hands, pick up prepackaged communion elements, and the usher will assist you in finding your assigned spot (marked by a cone). We will have two “seatings” - Lawn Group A at 12:00 p.m. and Lawn Group B at 12:45 p.m. See detailed schedule above.
As we continue to learn more about the coronavirus, we are learning more about how we can safely be together. Our congregational leadership has carefully planned traffic flow and requirements for Communion on the Lawn with community health in mind. We ask that everyone carefully read the health guidelines when you sign up. When you reserve your spot, you are agreeing to care for the health of others by following the guidelines. If you have any questions, please reach out to the church office. Sign up for Communion on the Lawn at OR by calling the church office. We've made a short video tutorial to help you with the online sign up process. Health Requirements for Our Gathering
Video Tutorial for Using Online Sign UpVideo Walk-Through for Communion on the LawnVideo Walk-Through for Drive Through CommunionAnnouncements:
Worship with us.Worship with us. Join us as we worship together in real time on Facebook Live at 10:45 a.m. Central on Sunday (no login required). The service will also be posted to our YouTube channel before 10:45 a.m. each Sunday.
If you are having difficulty accessing the online services, please don't be shy. Reach out to our church office so we can assist. We are also happy to send you a copy of the sermon via U.S. mail or e-mail. ![]() Cassidy Moreau is leading another anti-racism discussion group via Zoom and you're invited to participate. The group will begin September 25th at 7:30 p.m. via Zoom. They will be reading How to Be an Antiracist by Ibram Kendi. For more details, contact Cassidy. The Kansas-Oklahoma Conference of the UCC gathers in October each year. Our congregation sends our authorized ministers and lay delegates each year. This year, the gathering is happening ONLINE which means ANYONE in our congregation who wants to attend part or all of the gathering can do so for free. Pretty neat!
Events will be happening throughout the week, beginning Monday, Oct. 5th and ending with a special all-conference worship service on Sunday, Oct. 11th (you don't need to register for the worship service). You can see the schedule and fill out a registration form on the Annual Meeting website. You will want to register as a VISITOR and there will be no cost to you. Several of the speakers are folks that Pastor Caela has known personally for a number of years and they are GREAT speakers. We will also be gathering with our German partners from Baden. We hope you'll take advantage of this unique opportunity. Please contact Pastor Caela if you have any questions. Announcements:
Worship with us.Worship with us. Join us as we worship together in real time on Facebook Live at 10:45 a.m. Central on Sunday (no login required). The service will also be posted to our YouTube channel before 10:45 a.m. each Sunday.
If you are having difficulty accessing the online services, please don't be shy. Reach out to our church office so we can assist. We are also happy to send you a copy of the sermon via U.S. mail or e-mail. |
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