Sustaining Activism for the Long Haul: Connecting to Your Deep Purpose
Friday, December 14; 5:30- 9 PM Location: First Congregational UCC Co-sponsors: Manhattan Mennonite Church, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship How do we connect to what is ours to do in this world? What can we hold on to while the world swirls around us? How do we stay engaged in advocating for justice for the long haul....without burning out? How might we find joy in the work? We will engage these and other similar questions at this gathering. We begin the evening with a simple supper and use group work and individual reflection to help each participant connect to their sense of deep purpose. The evening will also include an opportunity for brief guided or silent meditation, qigong, community acupuncture, or learning about spiritual direction. This event is appropriate for people of all faiths and for those who do not claim a faith. If you need childcare or have any dietary restrictions, please let us know. Questions? Contact Revs. Barbara Krehbiel Gerhring, Jonalu Johnstone, or Caela Simmons Wood. Facebook event Download flyer
November 18 is our annual pot-luck meal together after church and this year we're also celebrating the 20th anniversary of Second Helping. You are invited to bring a dish to share, and please bring your own plate, cup, and silverware. If you can come before church to set up or stay afterward to clean up, you are very welcome. We need to have the area ready for Second Helping that evening.
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