Thursday, Dec. 1 at 7pm
We are honored to host Manhattan's service for World AIDS Day again this year. The service will feature music, reflection, a candlelighting ceremony. A great opportunity to slow down, remember those we love and light a candle in the darkness for HOPE. We'll have a brief reception with snacks and warm beverages after the service. Pastor Caela requests assistance with the reception. If you are able to help provide some snacks or be present to serve them and offer our guests hospitality, please contact the church office. Facebook event Full details about all the Advent and Christmas events at First Congregational available here. November 27 - December 18 at 9:30am
Dale Stearns will lead our Advent book study. Awaiting the Already: An Advent Journey through the Gospels takes us on a tour through the Gospel narratives, showing us what parts of the Christmas story come from which Gospel, and helps us to recognize that each Gospel writer invites us to encounter a fresh experience of the birth of Christ. If you'd like the church office to order a copy of the book for you, please let us know by Nov. 14th. Details about all adult education opportunities. Full details about all the Advent and Christmas events at First Congregational available here. There's nothing quite like the magic of returning from the Thanksgiving holiday to discover the church has been transformed! Our Christmas tree goes up, greenery is all around, wreaths are hung. Of course, none of this is actual magic. It happens because our Deacons organize it!
They invite you to join them on Saturday, Nov. 26 beginning at 9:00am to help decorate our church building for Advent and Christmas. Sweet treats and coffee with special creamers will be provided as a way of saying thanks. We especially need tall and/or strong people to assist with the heavy wreaths. Thank you! Full details about all the Advent and Christmas events at First Congregational available here.
Harvest Potluck - Sunday, November 20, immediately after worship
The Vitality and Outreach committee is helping us continue our tradition of gathering for a meal where we celebrate all the gifts we've received from God's good earth and give thanks around shared tables. The Vitality Committee will be providing turkey and you are invited to bring an entree, side, or dessert to share. You are also invited to bring your own re-usable table service if you are able (disposable options will be available). The Vitality Committee is currently down a few members due to recent moves, and could really use some help with set up, serving, and clean up. Contact Linda Thurston or the church office if you can help.
November 20 at 9:30 a.m. - ONE DAY ONLY!
Rabbi Moti Rieber, Executive Director of Kansas Interfaith Action, will join us in the pulpit and lead adult Sunday School. His adult Sunday School class at 9:30 a.m. will be on the topic of "The Recent Election Results - Reflections and Predictions." Rabbi Rieber will also preach during our worship service at 10:45 a.m. Kansas Interfaith Action is a statewide, multi-faith issue-advocacy organization that "puts faith into action" by educating, engaging and advocating on behalf of people of faith and the public regarding critical social, economic, and climate justice issues.You can read more about Rabbi Rieber here. FACEBOOK EVENT PDF FLYER This is also the day of our Harvest Potluck. Plan on staying after worship for an excellent meal with friends. ![]() A message from our Moderator, Alfred Cochran: As Congregationalists, we bear with pride the right, and obligation, that our church has to run its affairs and see to its business as we, the congregants, see fit. To that end, we elect our committee and Cabinet members who are charged to see to the affairs of the church, in all its many particulars. Yet, ultimately, it is the congregation that makes decisions and steers the church on the course chosen for it by its members, truly democracy in action! On Sunday, November 13, we will gather after worship services for our next congregational meeting, during which we will hear the proposed budget, information about pledges, and the slate of nominees who have agreed to serve the church in the coming year. I have attended many of these meetings over the decades that I've been a member of this church, and I'm always proud to do so. They don't take long and they are vitally important to our well being as a congregation. I look forward to seeing you after church on November 13th. Thanks, Alfred Cochran, moderator We look forward to welcoming LaVerne Bitsie-Baldwin and Sonya Ortiz of the social initiative ReImage MHK this weekend. We will gather at 9:30 a.m. Sunday to examine the line between respecting and appropriating culture and learn how to be better allies to groups and peoples to which we may not belong. We hope this one-day class will help us learn how to move forward together with mutual respect.
This one-day class is a part of our weekly adult education series at First Congregational UCC. We will gather at 700 Poyntz and childcare/activities are available for children of all ages. You're very welcome to stay for worship at 10:45am if you'd like. You can learn more about us at FACEBOOK EVENT: Friday, Nov. 11 at 6:00pm
The Vitality and Outreach Committee invites you to join us for a simple meal and a free screening of A Walk In My Shoes: Social Justice in Education, the latest documentary from the K-State College of Education. This 40-minute film touches on the lives and experiences of five dynamic educators whose passion for social justice was forged when they were in school. Their personal accounts bear witness to both the overt and subtle forms of injustice that create critical barriers to quality learning and inclusion. Each person enacted their beliefs in equity, access, and respect in order to provide a just and quality education for the learners they serve. The committee will provide a simple soup supper with vegetarian and vegan options. |
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