Many thanks to everyone who turned in a 2017 pledge card on or before Stewarship Sunday. We have about 50 pledges of support, which is wonderful! If you weren't here this past Sunday or are still making determinations about your pledge, no worries. You are welcome to turn it in to the office any time. We will be hearing more about how the budget is shaping up (and reviewing the 2017 slate of officers) at our Congregational Meeting on November 13, right after worship. I am so thankful for those who are providing leadership during this season as we work on plans for 2017. Our Stewardship Committee (Jean Hill, Marcia McFarland, Craig Weston) and our Nominating Committee (Mary Ellen Barkley, Brent Maner, Ann Smit) have been especially hard at work. Please thank them when you see them.
Peace... Pastor Caela Looking for more information about what Stewardship is all about? Check out our page with info on giving. Lost your pledge card? We've got you covered. Comments are closed.
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