We are participating in Grow Green Match Day through the Greater Manhattan Community Foundation on April 22. The process is working in reverse this year and it's very advantageous for organizations like ours!
Any donations given to us on April 22nd via the Grow Green website will come to us immediately to be used for our ministries. Funds will be matched at 50% and those match dollars will be deposited in our endowment fund at GMCF. (Note: individual donations must be between $25-$1000 to receive the match and total funds to an organization are matched at up to $20,000). You can donate on the Grow Green website on April 22nd or you can download the giving form at the same site and mail in your contribution. Please note: if you want to mail in a check you will need to print the form, write your check, AND ensure that your donation is postmarked on or before the 22nd. There are also several other organizations that our Board of Mission is encouraging us to support who are receiving donations during Grow Green. If you are planning on making a special donation to The Crisis Center, Shepherd's Crossing, or the GMCF COVID Relief Fund, your donation will be matched if given through Grow Green. (Note: COVID Relief Funds will be matched at 100%). Comments are closed.
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