Mark your calendars… Monday, March 5 - Stand with Muslim Neighbors Advocacy Day. KIFA and CAIR-Kansas are once again co-sponsoring Muslim Advocacy Day. All of us - Muslims, Christians, Jews, Unitarians, agnostics, and others - will visit the state capitol to let our legislators and the people of Kansas know how important our Muslim neighbors are to the well-being of our communities, and our refusal to see them victimized or singled-out, legally or politically. A rally will begin at 10AM in the 2nd Floor Rotunda, and there will be activities throughout the day. For more information and to register go to the KIFA website, Thursday, March 15 - WEALTH Day. WEALTH stands for Water, Environment, Air, Land, Transportation and Health. This is our chance to make our concern for Creation visible to everyone! The day will start with an interfaith climate vigil at 9 AM, followed by a legislative briefing/training, meetings throughout the day, and a lunch with legislators. For a full agenda and to register for the event check the KIFA website. Saturday, March 24 – Turn Off Your Lights. Annual Earth Hour, 8:30 – 9:30 PM local time. April 3 – 5 - Unite to End Racism. The National Council of Churches invites us to unite to end racism! Join faith leaders in Washington, DC April 3-5 in the clarion call to heal the soul of the nation as we commemorate the 50th anniversary of Dr. King’s assassination. Visit Wednesday, May 9, 6:30pm. KIFA Annual Event, First Christian Church, Topeka Exciting announcement about the guest speaker is coming soon! Stay informed… Want to keep up with UCC social justice actions at the national and global level? Sign up for info-packed newsletter, Take Action, of the United Church of Christ, Justice & Peach Action Network, at They also have a FaceBook page. Make a difference in 2018… Last month, we started a short series based on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s (SPLC) Five Ways to Make a Difference in 2018. The February newsletter discussed #1: Start a Conversation (don’t stay silent when you hear words of hate), and suggested SPLC’s, Speak UP: Responding to Everyday Bigotry, available free at their website, #2 is Be Informed. Martin Luther King, Jr. once wrote: "Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." Make a pledge to stay informed in 2018 about your government, your community and the injustices occurring to those around you. SPLC recommends On Tyranny, The March Against Fear, and The Blood of Emmett Till. You can sign up for the UCC newsletter, Take Action, or follow the SPLC on Facebook or request their newsletter. #3 is Stay Engaged. SPLC suggests volunteering with a cause that is important to you. We have many opportunities at First Congregational! Many community organization request help and there will be many opportunities to work for candidates and to get out the vote this fall. Comments are closed.