Before Dr. King's assassination 50 years ago, he initiated the Poor People's Campaign to seek justice and policy reform related to racism, poverty and militarism.
You are invited to join us Saturday, April 14th from noon to 4pm to learn about the local work being done to re-invigorate his vision for equality and justice in our community, state and nation. The training session will be held in the Fellowship Hall of the First United Methodist Church in Manhattan (612 Poyntz Ave., ATA Red line). At the training, we will review the basic principles and goals of the Poor People's Campaign: ending systemic poverty, racism, militarism and ecological devastation. We will also discuss how these four core issues affect our local community and introduce how we can get engaged at the state and local level in making positive social change. During the training, we will video conference with participants in 40 other states as we hear from Rev. Dr. Barber and Rev. Dr. Theoharis. Together, we are building unity across lines of division as we support one another in our efforts towards morally just social change. To sign up for the April 14th training follow this RSVP link. We are working on plans to provide childcare and there is a place to indicate your need for childcare on the RSVP. For more info on the national Poor People's Campaign, you can visit their website. PLEASE HELP US SPREAD THE WORD! Share the Facebook event for the April 14th training Print flyers for the event (single page, two-to-a-page) Comments are closed.
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