![]() On November 6, we join with Christians around the globe in remembering our saints on All Saints Day. We invite you to remember the saints in your own life by bringing along an item that represents the person you wish to honor. We will have a table set up in Pioneer-Blachly for your items. Your saint might be a relative or friend. They might be someone famous that you've never met. A saint is simply someone who has gone before us and has showed us how to live. We remember their lives and honor them the first Sunday in November. You may want to bring a photograph, keepsake, newspaper article, or some other memento. We'll have cards available for you to write the saint's name and we can all browse the items during Fellowship Hour. Don't forget to set you clocks back one hour before your go to bed on Sunday. We'll also be taking a deep breath before the election during worship this Sunday. Comments are closed.
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